As a mom of three toddlers simply getting out of bed in the mornings can be a challenge. Our body's contain serotonin which is a brain chemical that regulates your mood and if you are not in the mood to get up and get going you are going to struggle! Our serotonin dips during the winter especially when we stay inside too much and especially during this at-home quarantine. The best method to increase serotonin is to get outside in the sunshine and get some exercise because exercise is one of the greatest things to boost your mental health and immune system. If you are one of the many who has experienced gaining those pesky extra pounds known as The Quarantine Fifteen, have no fear I have some workout tips that you can find time to accomplish throughout your day! First, let's focus on you and why you must be healthy and have all the energy to be at your best. Let's pretend you and your family are boarding an airplane. You first stow away your luggage, strap your baby into the seat, and you get comfortable as your flight attendant begins speaking over the loudspeaker. You hear her say "If there is an emergency, place the oxygen mask over your face first and then help those around you." Getting oxygen first guarantees you will have the mental and physical abilities necessary to take care of your children. Lifting your baby over and over again for the next few years is going to wear on you. You must begin getting stronger by lifting weights, strengthening your core, and don't forget the importance of cardio exercise when you are having to run after your little tyke! Here are my four tips for finding time to exercise when you're a busy mom of toddlers: Early morning walks. Early morning walking is so important and I can't stress enough how refreshing it can feel to get outside and take a walk especially in the morning. Grab a banana, nurse the baby if you need to or if they're eating table food fill a little reusable pouch with some Greek yogurt, avocado, and banana and give it to your babe while you go on a morning stroller ride! Recipes for my pouches are coming soon on my blog. Floor exercises. Floor exercises that focus on strengthening your core. Your core is the foundation of your movements and exercises. If your core is not strong and stable, your exercises won't be either. You can complete these while the kids are eating or napping. It is so important to allow your children to see you exercising especially when you involve them too! Exercise in the shower. This one can be hard for some and you want to be careful because slipping and falling in the shower is no joke and I speak from experience. How do I exercise in the shower? I do an opposite elbow knee lower body exercise, yoga stretches, and small exercises that focus on your pelvic floor (tilts, hip circles, etc.). Power walking around the house. I power walk all day. If my kid needs some milk, I power walk to the refrigerator. Want to check the mail? I power walk to the mailbox. The baby wakes up from her nap then I run upstairs to get her. I barely sit still as it is why not run everywhere to get that extra cardio in because every little bit helps right?! Remember, the goal is to build up your strength and energy by exercising consistently to be your best for your kids. Give yourself some grace if you need to skip a day. Most importantly this journey is about taking care of yourself so that you can take care of your little ones.
WElcome!I am a homemaker and Home Educator of our four children at Soaring Pine Private Academy. Gratitude fills my heart for each day that God blesses me with my sweet family. I invite you to explore my blog, where I share our homeschooling adventures from our home nestled in the woods, along with delightful recipes and more!
January 2025